Tylenol and Ibuprofen Dosing charts

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Use these Tylenol and Ibuprofen dosing charts for quick reference

Why are these tylenol and ibuprofen dosing charts so useful?  Because, dosing your children with the correct dose is important for many reasons.  First, you want to avoid under-medicating your child because giving them the wrong dose that is too low won’t actually do anthing.  Second, avoid potentially toxic and dangerous side-effects if you give them too much medication.  Make sure you are giving your child the correct dose every time.  

If you want to find out what else you need to keep on hand for when your child is sick, see this link on the top 5 items you should have in your medicine cabinet.  

If you ever worry that you have given your child too much medication, or they ingest something they shouldn’t have, you should either take them to the Emergency Room right away, call 911, or contact the poison control center.  You should have the Poison control number on hand at all times. 

Tylenol and Ibuprofen Dosing Charts